The mini charts let you easily keep track of multiple markets at once - in a compact view
particularly ideal for use on your mobile phone. You can
load different watch-lists of markets into the page, quickly change the timeframe
on one or all charts, change between different chart styles such as line vs candlesticks,
and apply technical indicators such as moving averages, Keltner channels, or Parabolic SAR.
Use the settings icon to change an individual chart. You can switch it to a different
market or timeframe. You can change the style of the chart between three options: area,
line, or candlestick. You can modify the chart's colours. Or you can choose between over
20 different indicators to add to the chart, including several types of moving average,
Keltner channels and M/A envelopes, high/low prices, linear regression, and
parabolic SAR.
The View menu lets you load a different watch-list of markets into the page, or lets you
modify all the charts at once. You can change the chart types, add or remove indicators,
or modify the market or timeframe displayed on all charts.