Currency strength

Compare the relative strength of major currencies, helping you identify profitable trading ideas. You can view the relative strength over short, medium, or long duration, or use your own custom settings. The display shows both the headline score for each currency and also a breakdown of its strength over individual time periods.

Economic calendar

Use FX Blue's unique display of the economic calendar to watch events which will move markets. As well as filtering to remove items which don't affect you, you can choose the calendar display which is best for you - not just a traditional list, but also daily and weekly views, and even the ability to see past and future events on a trading chart.

The calendar also guides your reaction to future announcements by showing you exactly how the market has reacted in the past to events such as NFP. You can see the market movements before and after historic announcement, and you even replay the market reaction and the changes in trader sentiment.

Trader sentiment

Live trader sentiment based on the open positions of FX Blue users. Figures are based on the number of real-money accounts (not demo) which are currently net-long or net-short. See how other people are trading, and decide whether to go with the trend or against it.

Price alerts

Create price alerts, and receive immediate notifications by email when your thresholds are hit.

Your price alerts are also shown on our real-time charts, and you can create alerts from charts as well as from the list - by choosing "Price alert" from the chart's cursor (arrow) menu and then clicking on a candle.

Real-time charts

Forex, metals and crypto charts updating in real-time with interbank rates. Fully-featured charts with a choice of over 100 technical indicators and over 50 drawing tools. Available chart types include Renko, Heikin Ashi, and Kagi as well as traditional candles and OHLC bars. Timeframes range from seconds (e.g. S10 bars) through to weeks and months.


Market scanner

Monitor technical analysis on multiple markets from a single concise page. You can quickly load new watch-lists of markets into the page, and you can add your choice of over 50 technical indicators including many types of moving average and oscillator. You can also set up your own rules for highlighting the market conditions which are important to you: RSI over 80 or below 20, an increase in a moving average compared to the previous bar etc.

Watch our videos about the Market Scanner

You may also be interested in our Future Events Scanner. This watches for major market changes - new highs or lows, envelope break-outs etc - which are close to happening.

Mini charts

The mini charts let you easily keep track of multiple markets at once - in a compact view particularly ideal for use on your mobile phone. You can load different watch-lists of markets into the page, quickly change the timeframe on one or all charts, change between different chart styles such as line vs candlesticks, and apply technical indicators such as moving averages, Keltner channels, or Parabolic SAR.

Watch our videos about the Mini Charts

Technical analysis

Technical analysis of markets, updating live with each new tick. Shows a range of moving averages, oscillators, and pivot points, and combines them into an overall long/short % score. The analysis is available for any timeframe ranging from seconds (e.g. S10) through to weeks and months.


Future events scanner

Instead of telling you what has already happened, and trading opportunities you have missed, the future event scanner looks for events which are close to happening and which may cause a reaction in the market. Examples include new highs and lows, breakouts of Bollinger bands or swing points, and markets which are strongly trending or ranging.

You may also be interested in our Market Scanner. This lets you monitor technical analysis on multiple markets from a single page, with your choice of over 50 indicators.

Market ranges

The market ranges give you an at-a-glance view of the price movement and volatility of selected markets, plotting their change against the size of their trading range. You can choose between different time periods - such as 4 hours or 48 hours - and display the information either as a chart or as a list.

Price Action News

The Price Action News gives you timely information about key events on major markets: big moves, new highs and lows, band breakouts, possible support and resistance levels, sentiment changes. You can quickly click through from any news event to a chart for the market.

You can also follow the news on Twitter at

Market overviews

Overview of the price action on markets across multiple timeframes, letting you quickly assess market activity and direction. Shows the price movements for the last 60 minutes, 24 hours, and 5 days, plus charts for recent activity on M5, M15, and H1.


Tick charts

Live tick charts showing every change in the ask or bid price. Lets you inspect ultra short-term market movements and visualize fluctations in the spread. The charts can also show a tick speed indicator, illustrating active and quiet periods in the market. There is also an option for drawing tick candles.


Correlation matrix

The correlation matrix shows mathematical correlation between any list of markets which you select. It helps to identify combinations of trades which may be riskier than expected because, in effect, you are placing one large trade instead of two indepedent trades.

Currency heat map

The currency heat map shows the largest rises and falls in currency pairs over the last 24 hours, identifying where trading has been most active. You can filter the list so that it only shows the movements for a single currency such as EUR or USD.

Session map

Shows your local time in relation to trading sessions across the world, together with upcoming events in the economic calendar. You can click on a current or previous market session to see a summary of price ranges and changes during that session's trading.

Quote board

Simple and effective quote board which you can use to watch current prices. The list can be grouped by asset class, or filtered to select particular markets or spreads. You can quickly load in a pre-defined list of markets such as all USD crosses, or create and save your own watch-lists.

Website widgets

FX Blue offers a range of widgets which you can embed on your own website: a tick chart, a quote board, and FX Blue's Price Action News

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