Tick chart

Tick chart for EURUSD, showing each change in the ask or bid price. (If the spread is very tight then the lines may overlap, and only the ask line may be visible.)

As well as a plain tick chart, you can use the "Tick speed" mode to add an indicator showing how long it has taken for the last N ticks to happen. The lower the histogram, the faster the market is moving.

The "Timed" mode still shows each change in the ask or bid price, but the X axis of the chart is set to constant units of time. You can use this to view individual ticks while still being able to distinguish between fast and slow periods in the market.

The "Candles" mode draws tick candles. These are candles which form each time that N ticks happen, rather than being time-based.


The EURUSD is the most popular pair for traders worldwide. Operating on the EURUSD allows forex traders to work with the two largest economies in the world, the European and American, and to take advantage of their volatility and liquidity. This pair consists of more than half of the worldwide forex volume. The charts and tools analyzing the pair give traders an overview of the market trend. The pair moves the most during the European and American session and is usually very quiet during the Asian Session. European and U.S. economic news have the ability to either reinforce an existing trend or reverse it depending on by how much it approaches the market expectations. The EUR/USD (or Euro Dollar) currency pair belongs to the group of 'Majors', which stands for the most important pairs in the world. Other currency pairs in this group are: GBP/USD, USD/JPY, AUD/USD, USD/CHF, NZD/USD and USD/CAD.