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Live chart for USDJPY. Analyse the price action using the chart's 100+ technical indicators and 50+ drawings tools.

Chart types include Renko, Heikin Ashi, and Kagi as well as the more traditional candles and OHLC bars. Available timeframes range from seconds-charts (S10) through to days and months.

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The USDJPY (or US Dollar Japanese Yen) currency pair represents American (from United States of America) and Japanese economies. Japanese Yen has a low interest rate and is normally used in carry trades. This is the reason why it is one of the most traded currencies worldwide. In this pair the US Dollar is the base currency and the Japanese Yen is the counter currency. The interest rate differential between the Federal Reserve (FED) and the Bank of Japan (BOJ) affect the value of these currencies. This pair is also known as trading the "ninja" and belongs to the group of 'Majors', the most important pairs in the world. Other currency pairs in this group also include the following currency pairs: EUR/USD, GBP/USD, AUD/USD, USD/CHF, NZD/USD and USD/CAD.